Friday, September 17, 2010

Local Homeschool Groups Are So Important!

So last night I skipped out of work a bit early to hang out with some of the homeschool moms in my local homeschool group. It was relaxing and uplifting. I was able to talk, kid free, with some of the moms I pass by at church or when I am just out. Normally the conversation is, "Hi, how are you doing, what is your name again? You homeschool right and your in the homeschool group at church. Oh, I've got to go."
However, last night I was able to just chat, get encouraged, talk to moms who have been doing this a while and get some great advice. Oh, and laugh, laughter is the best medicine and after our crazy week laughter was my cure!
If you are not involved in a group I want to encourage you to get involved because they will help you on this journey of homeschooling so much. You know you will need it!

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